Women’s and Girls’ Emergency Centre (WAGEC) to support women, amplify their voices and put an end to gender-based violence.
As a new female-centric business our purpose was clear, we wanted to support women with a hands-on approach and work with an organisation that aligned with our core beliefs, values and goals. Stella is building a community to educate, support and empower women to balance the gender bias in matters such as insurance – and life at large.
Starting with Car Insurance, Stella designs products and customer experiences that prioritise the needs and lifestyles of women. Ultimately though, our purpose is much bigger than changing the insurance game. Our plan is to change the game, full stop.
When we met with the team at WAGEC we were blown away by their commitment to women and children, their passion and to create safe futures for women and families. For the Stella team, it is a social cause that is close to our hearts with some of our team growing up in homes where violence was prevalent, we are still dealing with the scars of that today. That is why we are so passionate about working with WAGEC. We need to use our voices, our power and our reach to educate and help WAGEC to change the story for Australian women.
You might already know a little about Stella, but what you may not know is every night WAGEC are accommodating 200 women and children, keeping them safe, and out of harm’s way. WAGEC is more than a shelter, they provide housing and support in times of crisis and deliver programs that empower women to build safe futures for themselves.
The team at WAGEC work with clients to break the cycle of violence, stop integrational trauma and address social disadvantage. Equally WAGEC through its primary prevention work seeks to address the underlying structural causes of domestic and family violence, homelessness and gender inequality.
Abusive behaviour does not necessarily have to be physical to be recognised as domestic violence, other types of violence include sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse and social abuse.
The stats are raw; they are frightening, and they are real.
* 1 in 4 women have experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner since the age of 15
* 1 in 5 women have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15
* Almost 40% of women continued to experience violence from their partner while temporarily separated
* Women are more than twice as likely as men to have experienced fear or anxiety due to violence from a former partner.
* Australian women are almost four times more likely than men to be hospitalised after being assaulted by their spouse or partner.
* 1 in 5 Australian women has experienced sexual violence.
Check out more about WAGEC here
Together we can demand change, we can lift our voices, and our hearts and do more for our sisters. If you want to see how you can help head to the donate page linked here, there are so many more ways to help than just donating money, WAGEC is always looking for volunteers and mentors too. Get involved, it’s good for the soul.
We can’t wait to share with you our partnership story and shine a light on this systematic problem that affects 1 in 4 women. We are stronger together.
Love Stella x