Why Our CEO Sam Whites Mission to Create Equality is More Important Than Ever.

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To first understand the full encompassing meaning of equality we have to have some sort of understanding of what it truly means, for me equality is when every individual has the same opportunity to make the most of their lives; the way they deem fit.  Equality means that regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status or any difference one may have from another, EVERYONE should have the same access to the same resources to achieve their goals and ultimately live the quality of life they want and choose to live.

We have achieved much in recent history on the path to gender equality, but we have a long way to go to ensure equal endowments, participation, and voice for women.

The stakes are even higher now that the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is ravaging the world, as times of great crisis often put women on the front lines. Women predominate in key roles as nurses, social workers, and caregivers.  They are also working as doctors and volunteers, and as political and community leaders making critical decisions about how to address the public health, social, and economic effects of the crisis.  Women’s participation will be vital to our success against this shared global threat.

Despite this meaningful progress, important gender gaps remain. These vary in scale from country to country and take different forms – from physical violence and deprivations to unequal opportunities in work or political life.

The World Health Organization estimates that over 1 in 3 women worldwide will experience violence in their lifetime. Women are paid less, earning 77 cents to every dollar earned by a man, and bear disproportionate responsibility for unpaid care and domestic work (performing 76 percent of total hours of unpaid care work worldwide)

When girls are allowed to dream and realise their potential, we are all better off…

To quote the famous early 20th century Armenian novelist and activist, Zabel Yesayan, “a woman is not born into this world to be pleasing. A woman is born to develop her mental, moral and physical abilities.”

Over the course of history, many women have embarked on a path of self-realisation to the benefit of our society. Some are famous, some less so, but each contributed to advancing the world, whether by promoting human rights and peace, forging ahead in science, or serving on the front lines to save human lives and protect public health.

As a society, we should demand that equality is simply a given, so that we can focus on the important issue – how well do we actually treat each other?

When I decided to launch Stella Insurance I did it for many reasons. Have worked in Financial Services for over twenty years, I was dismayed at the lack of voice women had, both in product design and experience and in the power seats around the boardroom table. 

I honestly believe that without equality we will never have a real chance at having healthy relationships – romantically, with friends, family and/or colleagues.

As a lesbian mum of two kids (a boy and a girl) and in a blended family dynamic, it’s imperative to me that I contribute to making the world a more equal place, and through Stella my dreams are slowly starting to some to fruition.

As we evolve, our children will too, the future is in their small capable hands, and that excites me.

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